Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Three Homemade Detoxing Drinks That Will Eliminate Your Belly Fat And Flush Toxins From The Liver

1. The Green Tea Citrus Drink

  • 1 Blended Banana
  • The Juice of Half a Lemon
  • Half a cup of green tea (cooled down)
Maybe the preparation of this drink is not as simple as the one of the other drinks, but it is worth preparing it. To prepare it you will have to blend the banana, squeeze the juice of the lemon and brew the green tea.

The lemon juice together with the EGGG of the green tea makes a combination that it great for detoxification of the body quickly. The acid from the lemon juice and the potassium that is consisted in the banana improve the body`s absorption of EGGG. Once you try it you will be amazes of its great taste.

2. The Colorful Detox Drink

  • Half a Lemon
  • 3 Carrots
  • 1 Apple
  • 1 Medium Cucumber
  • 1 Bell Pepper
Make juice of all the above mentioned ingredients and drink it while it is still fresh. It contains many nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin C and many other minerals essential for good looking healthy skin. The apple and the lemon make this drink great antioxidant that flushes the harmful toxins out of the body. 

You might find the taste of the juice a little strange at the beginning but don’t let that change your mind about preparing the juice since the taste is not unpleasant at all.Consume 1 or 2 glasses daily and it will cleanse your liver, boost your energy and improve your health and make your skin look better than ever.

3. The Golden Toxin-Flushing Drink

  • Half a cup of water
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • A bit of ginger
  • Half a teaspoon of turmeric

By consumption of this drink you will flush the toxins from your liver, cleanse your bowels and prevents gallstones. It also acts great after a big meal. Turmeric which is one of the ingredients is widely known for its detoxification power, so in combination with lemon juice it will detoxify your liver quickly.

Unfortunately, unlike the previous two drinks this one don`t have a pleasant taste. In order to improve it you can add banana, but not in a big amount because the sugar that it contains will slow down the benefits from turmeric.


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