Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Losing Your Marbles – Place two saucers, about 5 inches away from each other, on a table. Put six marbles in each saucer. The object of the game is to move each of the marbles from one saucer to the other using only two plastic straws.

Hot / Cold – This is an easy, play-at-any-time fun indoor game (although it could be an outdoor game, too), especially for young children. Send a person out of the room and while they are away, hide something - a picture, treasure, Rs 1 bill ,a Toy– whatever! The person comes back into the room and begins searching for the hidden item. As they get close to the item, let them know by saying they’re getting “warmer.” If they are going away from the item, say they’re getting “colder.” Far away is cold; close is hot.

Indoor Obstacle Course – Create an obstacle course out of whatever space and furniture you have available. Components could include: climbing over or under chairs, crawling under a table without disturbing any of the balloons tied to strings dangling from the top, sliding under a string stretched between two objects or pieces of furniture, stepping on a series of pieces of paper taped to the floor or crawling through a tunnel made from blankets or couch cushions. Add difficulty by requiring players to wear a hat while competing, jumping three times after each station or whatever else you can imagine.

Indy 500 Balloon Race – Each player attaches a short straw (1-2 inches long) to a balloon filled with air. A string is thread through the straw and attached between two chairs. To race, each person has to BLOW their balloon – without touching it – from one chair to the “finish line” at the other chair. Everyone playing could have their own two chairs OR each could take turns using the same chairs and timing their individual race.


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