Thursday, July 9, 2015

Turmeric benefits

Turmeric which has traditionally been used for cold, cough, congestion, headache and sore throat.

Turmeric is known to be rich in curcumin, a kind of polyphenol which is responsible for over 600 health benefits of turmeric. These include antioxidant, anti- cancer and anti- inflammatory properties.

Apart from the recent buzz surrounding turmeric, this has long been used in Ayurveda and Unani medicinal systems, in fact over centuries. These medical systems have been curing ailments even before any written records existed of the health benefits of turmeric. 

Other benefits of turmeric include:

Anti- inflammatory, anti- cancer and antioxidant

Anti- carcinogenic

Boosts immunity

Promotes digestive health

Lowers Triglycerides and neurological disorders

Maintains cholesterol levels

Detoxifies liver

Cures various skin disorders

Enhances memory and brain function

Regulates metabolism and blood pressure

Prevents Alzheimer's disease

Control Diabetes

Weight loss

Maintains Heart health

You can also enhance the bioavailability of curcumin by over 1000 times by adding black- pepper to turmeric spiced food.


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