Friday, September 11, 2015

Health benefits of Bananas

Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world for good reason.

The curved yellow fruit packs a big nutritional punch, wrapped in its own convenient packaging.

You'll never look at a banana the same way again after discovering the many health benefits and reasons to add them to your diet.
Bananas combat depression, make you smarter, cure hangovers, relieve morning sickness, protect against kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and blindness. 

They can cure the itch of a mosquito bite and put a great shine on your shoes.

Nutritional breakdown of bananas

One medium banana (about 126 grams) is considered to be one serving. One serving of banana contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram of protein. Bananas are naturally free of fat, cholesterol and sodium

Bananas provide a variety of vitamins and minerals:
  • Vitamin B6 - .5 mg
  • Manganese - .3 mg
  • Vitamin C - 9 mg
  • Potassium - 450 mg
  • Dietary Fiber - 3g
  • Protein - 1 g
  • Magnesium - 34 mg
  • Folate - 25.0 mcg
  • Riboflavin - .1 mg
  • Niacin - .8 mg
  • Vitamin A - 81 IU
  • Iron - .3 mg

The recommended intake of potassium for adults is 4700 milligrams per day.


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  2. hey how many of you eat bananas everyday its rich in fiber which helps digestion know more abouthealth benefits of bananas
