Monday, June 29, 2015

Health Benefits of Fruits


1.It fights Cancer & aging.
2.It is used as Skin cleansing.
3.It reduce birth defects.
4.It strengthens & heals gums cleans the harmful toxins in blood.

1.It Boosts Energy.
2.It helps in heartburn relief.
3.It reduces depression.
4.It reduces the risk of Blood pressure.
5.It is Highly protective to kidney health.

It calms Nervous system.
It may reduce Inflammation & ease the pain of Arthritis & Gout.

1.It Relax blood vessels.
2.It prevents Cataract.
3.It Prevents Breast Cancer.

4.It control Blood Cholesterol.
5.It prevent Blood Clots thereby reducing the chances of Heart diseases.
6.It prevents Kidney disorders.

It fights Arthritis, Nausea,Constipation,Bronchitis,High Blood Pressure.

1.It protects the heart.
2.It helps to lower the lower the risk of age related diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease

1.It increase body mass.
2.It helps in development & maintenance of bones,cartilage,teeth & gums.

1.It controls heart rate.
2.It reduces the risk of colon cancer,prostate cancer,Heart diseases.
3.It helps to reduce the severity of Asthma.

1.It prevents Cancer.
2.It Protect against Constipation,Respiratory Problems, Kidney problems including Nephritis.

1.It protects skin & vision.
2.It builds a good immune system.
3.It reduce the Livers production of Cholesterol.
4.It lowers High B.P.

1.It helps to increase immunity.
2.It protects the bones.
3.It helps to reduce Asthma.
4.It helps in Diabetes management.
5.It prevents Lung Cancer,Alzheimer's disease.

1.It provides potassium ,fluoride & iron.
2.It regulate the immune system 7 can help fight off infections.

1.It is rich in Fibre.
2.It reduce the risk of cancer,Coronary Heart diseases.
3.It is cholesterol & sodium free.

1.It lowers Cholesterol.
2.It fights Breast Cancer,Lung Cancer.
3.It lowers B.P.
4.It protect the Neonatal Brain. 
5.It prevents the Osteoarthritis.                                            

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Homemade hair beauty tips 

1 - Take one potato, grates it, squeeze the water, keep it in a bowl, add one egg, curd, mix them well. Make a fine pack. Apply that on root of the hair and whole hair. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water, wash with normal shampoo. Do it once in 20 days for best result. This pack gives healthy and shiny hair.
2 - Peel to potato. Boil enough water in a pan and add potato peeling. Boil it for 20 minutes. Then strain the water in a glass or any container. Wash your hair in normal shampoo, rinse hair with that water. It helps to give natural black colour to your hair. Do it every alternate hair wash. It’s a good and natural treatment for grey hair.
3. Take 3 tsp of potato juice,3 tsp of aloe vera juice and 2 1 tsp of honey. Apply that mixture root of the hair.Leave it for 2 hrs.Wash of with your regular shampoo. For best result, do it twice in a helps to prevent hairfall

Regular protein treatment is essential to enjoy stronger and thicker hair. For a protein hair treatment, the best ingredient is eggs.
1.Take one or two eggs, depending on the length of your hair, and beat it properly. Apply the egg on wet hair and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes. Wash your hair with lukewarm water and shampoo. You can use this protein treatment once or twice a week.
2.Another option is to mix together one egg yolk, one tablespoon of a hair oil of your choice and two tablespoons of water. Use this mixture to massage your scalp thoroughly and leave it for 30mins..Wash your hair with lukewarm water and shampoo. Follow this remedy once a week to enjoy thicker hair.

Olive Oil:
Olive oil will also add body to your hair. Plus, it will help soften and strengthen your tresses.
1.Massage your hair and scalp with warm olive oil and leave it on for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Rinse it out thoroughly and wash your hair using a mild shampoo. You can also leave the oil on your hair overnight and then shampoo your hair the next morning.
2.Another option is to mix olive oil with some honey and apply the mixture on your hair. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes and then wash your hair.Use either or these remedies once or twice a week.
3.Mix two egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. To dilute this mixture, you can add a half a cup of water. By dipping your finger tips into this mixture, slowly massage it into your scalp and then, spread the mask to the length. Let it sit on your hair for about 15-20 minutes, before you wash it off, with or without shampoo. This mask can be done once a week.

Avocado can also be used to get thicker hair as it moisturizes and adds body to your hair. Plus, the vitamin E in this fruit contributes to the overall health of the hair shaft.
1.Make a mixture of one mashed avocado, one mashed banana and one tablespoon of olive oil. Massage it on your scalp and leave the mixture on your hair for about 30 minutes so that the nutrients are absorbed by the scalp. Finally, rinse it out and shampoo your hair.
2.You can also make a hydrating hair mask by mixing two tablespoons of wheatgerm oil with half of a ripe mashed avocado. Apply this hair mask on freshly shampooed hair and allow it to sit for at least 20 minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly and then shampoo your hair.
Use either of these avocado hair masks once a week.

Fenugreek Seeds:
Fenugreek seeds can also be used to prevent hair loss and enjoy better hair growth.
1.Soak two to three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water for eight to 10 hours. Grind the soaked seeds to make a fine paste. You can also mix two teaspoons of coconut milk in it. Apply the paste on your hair and scalp and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes before washing your hair with lukewarm water. When done weekly on a regular basis, this remedy will prevent dry scalp and help you enjoy thicker hair.
2.Another option is to use the water that the fenugreek seeds soaked in overnight as a hair rinse. This will encourage hair growth and help you to get rid of dandruff. Use it once or twice a week.

Indian Gooseberry:
The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and exfoliating properties present in Indian gooseberry can help a lot in maintaining a healthy scalp and better hair growth rate.
1.Mix one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry or amla powder in two tablespoons of coconut oil and heat until boiling. Strain the oil and massage it onto your scalp before going to bed. The next morning, shampoo your hair as usual. Do this on a weekly basis.
2.Another option is to mix one-quarter cup of warm water in one-half cup of Indian gooseberry powder and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Apply the paste on your hair and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off. Do not shampoo your hair for a few hours. Follow this remedy every few weeks.
3.You can also take the Indian gooseberry fruit and its extract as a dietary supplement for healthy hair.

Castor Oil:
Massaging your scalp regularly with cold-pressed castor oil is one of the easiest ways to get thicker hair naturally. Due to its high viscosity, it coats the hair thoroughly and protects against hair fall. Plus, being high in vitamin E and fatty acids, it promote hair growth.
1.Heat a mixture of equal parts of castor oil and coconut oil. Simply using castor oil will also work but it tends to be too thick.Apply it on your head and scalp and massage in circular motions.Comb your hair to distribute the oil throughout your hair and remove tangles.
2.Cover your hair with a towel moistened with warm water.Leave it on for at least one hour and then shampoo your hair as usual.Follow this remedy once a week to enjoy lustrous and thick hair.
3.Mix castor oil with sweet almond oil in proportions 1:1 and gently massage your scalp with this mix, spreading the rest of the mask to the length of your hair. Cover up your head with a shower cup and then, towel. Leave it on your head for about 1 or 2 hours (you can also leave this treatment overnight for better results), then, shampoo and condition your hair. Do this treatment once a week and see your hair grow faster, be shinier and healthier.

Bananas being abundant in vitamins A, C and E, this simple fruit can help your hair grow faster, be healthier and softer.  pick up a soft banana that is ripe enough for you to be able to mash it into a paste. (You can also use your blender). Apply this banana paste onto your hair and cover it up with a plastic bag or you can also cover up your head with a warmed up towel for better results. If the paste is not soft enough, you might find it a little difficult to rinse it out during the shampoo. To tackle this problem, you can add a little bit of olive oil or coconut oil into the mixture (couple of table spoons will do the trick). Leave it for 20 minutes, then shampoo and condition. Doing this treatment once a week can be very helpful and beneficial for the beauty and health of your locks.

First, take 4 cloves of garlic, 2 pieces of cinnamon, and one red onion. You will need to boil them and then simply let them cool. After they have cooled to room temperature, rub the mixture through your hair. After it has sit for 15 minutes, wash your hair gently with warm water. The point of this is to cause hair to become thicker and to keep the strands of your hair from breaking off at the end. As a long term solution, it will cause your hair to grow longer. It will also make it appear thicker at a much faster rate. By giving your hair all of these nutrients and vitamins, you help it grow faster while remaining healthy and full.

This is another mixture that must be applied to your hair and it should be done every time you wash it. However, this mixture should not be used if you use hair dying products, as it may strip the color.

Aloevera encourages hair growth and prevents hair loss. When used in your hair, they provide nourishment, prevent excess oiliness, eliminate dandruff, encourage hair growth and prevent hair loss.
1.Apply fresh aloevera gel mixed with a little lemon juice and leave it on for about 20 minutes.Shampoo your hair. Do this once every week or two.
2.You can also combine aloevera gel with equal amounts of coconut milk and wheat germ oil and then apply it on your hair.
3.Drink aloevera juice on a regular basis.
4.The gel should be taken from fresh aloevera leaves and mixed with honey. The mixture should be applied on the hair and scalp, leaving it for 20 minutes.

Curry Leaves:
1. Make Tea from Curry Leaves for your hair. Boil some curry leaves in water, squeeze a lime and add some sugar to it. Drink this tea daily for 1 week this will increase hair growth, make your hair smooth, shiny and prevent white hairs. Intake of curry leaves is good for the digestive system too and it resolves many hair problems.
2. Make a Hair Mask for your hair to prevent hair loss. Take some curry leaves and make a paste of them. Mix this paste with yogurt and massage it on your hair. Keep this mixture on your scalp for about 25 minutes and then wash off with a soft shampoo. Apply this mask every week consistently to see instant results in terms of hair growth. Not only that this will help your hair to look shiny, smooth and bouncy.
3. Make a Hair tonic to prevent hair loss: Take few curry leaves and some coconut oil in a bowl. When it mixed with curry leaves, it increases hair growth. Boil these two together until you see black deposit forming. After the deposit is formed, apply it all over your scalp after it becomes cool . Keep this mixture for one hour and then wash off with a soft shampoo. Apply this tonic twice a week and ll see the result in just fifteen days. This oil will not only stimulates hair growth but also prevents the white of hair. This is the best way for healthy hair and for hair growth.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Health Tips

1.To treat Alzheimer's disease, take vitamin E, which slightly slows degeneration. Statins and anti-inflammatory drugs are being tested, but haven't yet been shown to help. (brain).

2.A simple way to remove tension, stress, or seriousness is to just breathe. Yes, when in tension, your breathing gets improper, leading to more stress.

3.High blood pressure can cause strokes, heart attacks, vision loss, and kidney damage. Treat it by exercising, not smoking, eating a healthy diet with enough calcium and low sodium, not drinking too much alcohol, and taking diuretics if needed.

4.When you are in depression, just go out and do whatever your hands can find to do. Any action or exercise will help you feel better.

5.If you want to wake up early in the morning, then before going to sleep say 100 times the time when you want to awaken.

6.B+ve. Charge this into your blood stream and the dreaded enemy, '-ve', will vanish.

7.Negative ion generators may reduce indoor odors + particulates and may improve mood.

8.If you're too busy to go to the gym and live or work in a tall building, get some quick exercise and save a little electricity by climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator. If it's too far, get off the elevator part way up, then walk from there.

9.A caffeine patch that has a timed release. Designed for non-morning people. Slap one on before you go to sleep and the caffeine kicks in after 8 hours to wake you up.

10.To live a long and healthy life, control the stomach because all the diseases start from stomach only.

11.For a good aerobic workout, try indoor badminton instead of tennis. Though the court is smaller, the distance players move is actually greater according to studies of top level matches. There may also be less stress on the elbow.

12.Ancient Indian way to slim: Every morning on empty stomach take 1 spoon each of fresh lemon extract & honey in a glass of lukewarm water. You will start losing fat within a month. To preserve fresh honey add 5-6 black peppers per kg of honey.

13.To strengthen your gum & cure the pain due to loosening of teeth just chew a guava leaf twice a day. You can feel the difference within 2-3 days. 

14.To prevent bathroom falls, use rubber mats on the floor. Handles can also be fixed in the side walls to hold when needed.

15.For strong bones, in addition to eating calcium and vitamin D in milk or vegetables, exercises that put moderate stress on bones (weight-bearing exercises) may help.

16.Food may not provide enough vitamin D, but sunlight creates plenty when it hits our skin. Get a few minutes per week of evening or morning sun to make enough vitamin D. But avoid too much mid-day exposure, which can lead to skin cancer.

17.To help quit smoking, carry decoy cigarettes. They look like real cigarettes but have a bad taste.

18.Using a computer mouse for a long period of time might damage the hand. Make a pulsating mouse that could rejuvenate tense muscles.

19.To treat muscle-tension headaches, massage, hot showers, heating pads, cold packs, aspirin, or acetaminophen may help.

20.To prevent hepatitis E if in unsanitary areas, wash hands after using any washroom, eat only well and freshly cooked foods, drink only bottled or boiled water, and don't eat non-peelable raw fruits or vegetables unless cleaned thoroughly.

21.If your milk flow stops due to a clogged duct during breastfeeding, try holding a warm hard-boiled egg on the site to warm and loosen the clog.

22.Sunburn in childhood increases risk of later skin cancer. Protect children from sunburn using clothing, hats, or sunblock.

23.Leaves of the custard apple plant are an effective cure for head lice. Just make a paste and apply, shampoo after 1 hour, and reapply after 3 days for better results. Added benefit: your hair is soft and conditioned.

24.Use a folded cloth to filter water as a very effective, affordable way for people in poor areas to prevent cholera.

25.Put a few camphor tablets in a cup of water and keep it in the bed room near your bed, or in any place with mosquitoes.

26.Applying pure rose water every night before sleep can greatly help in reducing pimples on the face.

27.A guaranteed and easy way to remove pimples completely is to drink half a bottle of water (room temperature) in the morning as soon as you get up. And don't drink water for 15 minutes after any meal. See amazing results in just 1 month. Abhinav Ralhan

Simple Food Tips


1. Trans fats contribute to heart disease that may kill several million people a year. Food product manufacturers should be required to put the amount of this fat on food labels.

2. Encourage the growth of health conscious takeaway food shops, independent or as a part of the supermarkets, to save time on cooking at home every day.

3. Women who might have children should eat enough folic acid (200 micrograms/day) before and during early pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects, a common type of birth defect.

4. To get kids to eat healthy food, feed them only healthy food from weaning: diced or pureed vegetables or fish fillet cooked with rice & extra water (congee), raisins for dessert (never junk food), tiny bread pieces for breakfast (never cereal).

5. Produce and market high protein quick meals for the niche market of bodybuilding. There are many supplements available out there, but food is better for you than a supplement.

6. Evidence suggests cow mycobacteria survive pasteurization and may cause Crohn's disease. But UHT pasteurization for boxed, unrefrigerated milk seems to kill it, thus drinking UHT milk instead of "regular" milk might prevent Crohn's disease.

7. Only 400 mg of the brand "Equal" sugar equals 5 bags of regular old-fashioned sugar. "Equal" sugar has no after taste. Restaurants should use it instead of sugar.

8. Before pouring on the salad dressing, check the Nutrition Facts on the side. Some are wonderfully low-fat, but even some that are labelled Lite are not much better than the Regular.


1. Hamburger gravy: Brown 1 pound ground beef with onions and diced green peppers, salt, pepper, and 1 beef bullion cube, add 1 can mushroom soup, heat thru, serve over canned biscuits or in stand mashed potatoes. Yummy!

2. For a simple dessert, slice 20 dates, 10 gm. almonds & grind 4 cardamoms. Boil 1/2 lit. milk & add 200 gm of sugar, the dates & almonds until it thickens. Add the cardamom powder just before taking off-heat. Serve cold with raisin & cherry dressing.

3. For a simple dessert, cut a mango or melon in half, and put a scoop of ice cream in the middle.

4. Stir and boil a cup of milk with 4 spoons of sugar, 2 cardamoms, & 6 crushed cashew-nuts until it's thick. Then cool it. Slice apples & oranges. Sprinkle on a pinch of rock salt. Pour the milk over the fruits just before serving. Dress with mint leaves.

5. A delicious way to enjoy a mango is peeled and sliced, with the strips laid in a peanut butter and orange marmalade sandwich on whole grain bread, warmed slightly by microwave.

6. Peel and squeeze a mango to separate the seed. Then add some yogurt and some sugar and shake well. Add some ice cubes before serving!

7. Mango milkshake: Prepare juice from pieces of mango fruit. Add milk in 1:1 ratio along with sugar to taste. Mix it thoroughly. Add a pinch of crushed cardamom. (Note that usage of milk with mango prevents possible loose motion in some cases.).

8. For a flavorful, colorful, and healthy salad dressing, add turmeric to a light oil or oil-free dressing.

9. A simple and tasty sandwich: natural peanut butter and "citron tea" (like orange marmalade) with banana slices on whole grain bread, warmed slightly by microwave.
10. Mango is the king of fruits. The best recipe would be to eat it raw.

11. The human tongue has many different taste buds. Part of the tongue is for sweets, sours, etc. A good food satisfies all parts. Get a regular cracker, salted. Spread peanut butter over it, then add a touch of mustard. Very good for the tongue.

Food storage:

1. To save time in the kitchen: grind in a (mini) food-processor large quantities (separately) onions, ginger, garlic etc. Put in clean glass bottles and just cover in good (light) oil. Refrigerate. Use as needed and don't add any oil while cooking.

2. To keep your refrigerator smelling fresh, put a cut piece of lemon inside the fridge. This reduces the bad odors.

3. Take several polythene plastic bags, punched with holes, when you go vegetable shopping. Put your vegetables into these bags to save time when you get back, where you can straightaway wash them (the water drains off) and store them in the refrigerator.

4. To open the caps of a new jar, put a rubberband around it for a firm grip. Putting a little extra torque than usual opens the cap easily.

5. To prevent formation of ice, rub table salt on the insides of your freezer.
To remove lingering smells from food storage containers, wash, dry, and stuff them with old newspaper. Close the lid. In a few days, the smell of onion or garlic will be gone. Or microwave them with a little water to boil out the odor.

6. Putting 3-4 cloves in the sugar container will keep the ants at bay.

7. Use of brass and copper vessels in the kitchen is good for health and keeping food fresher longer. Use of copper metal utensils for drinking water reduces bacteria and increases healthy minerals.

8. To keep the chilies fresh for a longer time, remove the stems before storing.

9. Ancient way to slim: Every morning on empty stomach take 1 spoon each of fresh lemon extract & honey in a glass of lukewarm water. You will start losing fat within a month. To preserve fresh honey add 5-6 black peppers per kg of honey.

10. If you keep a piece of blotting paper at the bottom of the container, it will keep biscuits fresh for a longer time.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Interior Decorative

Materials required:

A card board sheet, Knife, Pista shells, Scissors,Colors, Fevicol

1. Cut the cardboard sheet in the below shape.

2. Stick the pista shells on the above shape with fevicol.

3. Sticking in progress.

4. After completion.

5. Paint with any color you like and add pearls in between and here is a photo frame.

6. Can be used as wall decorative as well.

Courtesy to:
Anuradha Podila. :)

Monday, June 15, 2015

Online DataEntry Scam – What it really?
Have you ever saw a recognized company ISO or CMM Level certified asking for your bank details or paypal account before you start working?

Please be careful when you pay a registration fee of 700 INR or 3000 INR [they usually refer as security fee] for online data entry work, ad posting, form filling or providing bank details to them.

I’m writing this article to help people who are revolving around DataEntry scam. Most of the Indians fall in Online Data Entry Scam. Not only Indians but many people across world. This is not intended to any person, but what to share my experiences on this DataEntry scam.
Everybody wants to make money from home, not just Indians even people from all over the world trying many possible ways to get one legitimate free or real online data entry part-time job to make both ends meet. However, India has a high ratio victims of online data entry scam while compare to other countries. Our friends, cousins and Colleague telling as the online data entry is the one of the trusted ways to earn more money within short period.

Actual misunderstandings:
It is a complete misconception to think that online data entry jobs are easy to grab for supplementing an income without doing any work, putting efforts and experience. Most Indians are susceptible to easy data entry jobs from home. The reason why most of them fall in this web is because of lack experience and research.

There is no big private recognized company which give such small data entry projects aroung $2k-$5K in online. Recollect the procedure, when you go for a job interview the questions or the number of rounds that you face before getting an appointment? Do you really feel you get a huge amount iof $20 (1000 INR) a day without any talent or interviews?

Things that really happen:
Once you pay a sum of 700 INR or 1000 INR or 3000 INR they will send some useless details to your email which will be repeated for multiple people. [Same book for multiple people is this a real project?] Once you done with you work, most of the people will get a response saying that their accuracy is not up to mark and the bid is rejected, try again? Try again? [lost my deposit].
Secondly, they payment will be delayed they say their Quality team is busy to verify and ask to start the next assignment.

This is a multi-level marking strategy, one person pay 3000 and refer for many ex: if this candidate refers for 5 people and son on… for first level the bogus company get 15 K and so on for each person they refer, they pay this amount for new candidates and ask them to refer for more folks.

Few Facts that work behind the screens:
Most of the small companies pay some deposit to get the project (say franchise). They have their own deadlines to submit the project.
The software which are used for this projects are designed to work very energetically initially. As the workload or the amount of data dumps more into the system, the system starts crashing which leads file corruption [rework] and system hung, this makes the companies to miss the deadline and loose the deposit they paid for the project.
Don’t Be A Victim To Online Data Entry Job Scam:
There are so many people in India very ignorant and inexperienced when it comes to online data entry jobs. For instance, we surprised to see at one of the forums yesterday that one member who has paid Rs.750 to a fake website for doing online data entry job, and after waited for a few days, the login credentials was not given to him so instead of contacting job provider he wrote a mail to a forum admin regarding the credentials and data entry jobs. So what you are gonna say about that!

Origami Roses

Materials Required:
Color papers, scissors, glue

1. Cut each paper into these shapes.

2. Now make petals from it.

3. Fold each petal to make more realistic.

4. Glue the petals carefully to make a rose.

5. A set of them makes a bouquet.

Finally, here is the Roses bouquet.

Enjoyed!! hope you have saved lot of money in buying bouquets.
Courtesy to:
Anuradha podila

Friday, June 12, 2015

A Wall Decorative

Foam Flower (Calla Lily) Making:

Materials Required:

Green and Yellow pipe cleaners, Scissors,Glue, Tape and Color Paper


1.Cut a circular piece on coloror paper with scissors

2.Fold the circle in half. Make sure it's folded neatly,Alter the circle to create a rounded heart shape.

3.Cut a yellow pipe cleaner in half, then fold it in half. Twist the two ends together. This will become the lily's stamen, which juts realistically out from the center of the bloom

4.Foam flower made by gluing the yellow pipe cleaner to end of the heart!!.

5.Make a stem out of a green pipe cleaner.

6.A couple of them will be good as a wall decorative

Materials to make a leaf stem:
Scissors, Green Tape, Green color papers,Lean groom Stick


Get a lean groom stick. Fold with Green Tape and glue the leaves shaped paper to it.

Now the prepared Calla lily foam flowers are glued to leafy stem.A nice Wall decorative is ready now

That's it!! You are done with wall Decorative. Hope you enjoyed.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cushion Cover Fabric paint

Materials Required:

Plain Cushion cover, Fevicryl Acrylic Colour - Black 02, Sparkling Pearl Colours - Light Green 909, Golden Green 911, Light Pink 913, Silver 910, Dark Copper 914, Orange 903, Golden Yellow 907, Violet 906, Dark Blue 904, Fevicryl No Stitch Fabric Glue, Fine Art Brushes Cushion cover, White drawing paper as per the size of the cushion cover, White Carbon Paper, Pencil, Eraser, Loosely woven jute fabric. ,Fabric glue


1.Take a plain cushion cover in the colour of your choice .

2.Take white drawing paper in the same size as that of the cushion cover and draw abstract faces(design of your choice).

3.Apply a thick layer of Fevicryl Now apply Fabric Glue on the cushion cover and leave it for 10 - 15 minutes.

4.Spread a loosely woven jute fabric on it approximately the same size. Allow it to semi dry.

5.Gently remove the jute fabric. This will give a jute texture on the cushion cover Allow it to dry completely.

6.After glue  dry clear Now trace the faces(design of your choice) on the textured cushion cover using white carbon paper 

7.Outline the faces using Fevicryl Acrylic Colour - Black

8.Paint the faces using Fevicryl Sparkling Pearl Colours - Light Green, Golden Green, Light Pink, Silver, Dark Copper, Orange, Golden Yellow, Violet and Dark Blue with a shading effect .

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Origami garland

Materials Required:

Colored papers, Scissors, Pearl, Thread and Needle to make paper garland

1.Make the colored paper into tiny pieces.
2.Roll each of them and stitch them together with a needle.
3.Also insert the pearl in between two bunch of these flowers

In Use, This can be made using cloth material as well

Courtesy to:
Anuradha Podila

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Room Separator And Chandelier

 Room Separator Materials:

 Wire, Crustal sticks, Blue Crystals, Pink drop shape crystals


1.Chose a pattern and insert crystals into wire.

Chandelier Materials:

2.Need a balloon, Chalk powder, Colors, Threads of different thickness, fevicol, Starch powder [Revive] (or) Ceramic Powder.

3.Mix Chalk powder,Starch powder with fevicol and water. Also add color to the mixture.

4.Dip the thread bundle into the mixture.

5.Start rolling the thread around the balloon.

6.Roll one over the other and cover the ballon, Threads with different thickness gives a nice shape.

7.Now allow the ballon to dry for a day.

8.Now punch the balloon and your chandelier is ready.

9.Carefully add a bulb into the Chandelier and you could see the beauty.

10.Here is the real beauty in the darkness and you enjoy it most when u make it with your own hands .

11.Now hang them and add chandlier with light in middle. A crystal curtain is ready in use. Here is the beauty at night time.