Friday, June 19, 2015

Health Tips

1.To treat Alzheimer's disease, take vitamin E, which slightly slows degeneration. Statins and anti-inflammatory drugs are being tested, but haven't yet been shown to help. (brain).

2.A simple way to remove tension, stress, or seriousness is to just breathe. Yes, when in tension, your breathing gets improper, leading to more stress.

3.High blood pressure can cause strokes, heart attacks, vision loss, and kidney damage. Treat it by exercising, not smoking, eating a healthy diet with enough calcium and low sodium, not drinking too much alcohol, and taking diuretics if needed.

4.When you are in depression, just go out and do whatever your hands can find to do. Any action or exercise will help you feel better.

5.If you want to wake up early in the morning, then before going to sleep say 100 times the time when you want to awaken.

6.B+ve. Charge this into your blood stream and the dreaded enemy, '-ve', will vanish.

7.Negative ion generators may reduce indoor odors + particulates and may improve mood.

8.If you're too busy to go to the gym and live or work in a tall building, get some quick exercise and save a little electricity by climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator. If it's too far, get off the elevator part way up, then walk from there.

9.A caffeine patch that has a timed release. Designed for non-morning people. Slap one on before you go to sleep and the caffeine kicks in after 8 hours to wake you up.

10.To live a long and healthy life, control the stomach because all the diseases start from stomach only.

11.For a good aerobic workout, try indoor badminton instead of tennis. Though the court is smaller, the distance players move is actually greater according to studies of top level matches. There may also be less stress on the elbow.

12.Ancient Indian way to slim: Every morning on empty stomach take 1 spoon each of fresh lemon extract & honey in a glass of lukewarm water. You will start losing fat within a month. To preserve fresh honey add 5-6 black peppers per kg of honey.

13.To strengthen your gum & cure the pain due to loosening of teeth just chew a guava leaf twice a day. You can feel the difference within 2-3 days. 

14.To prevent bathroom falls, use rubber mats on the floor. Handles can also be fixed in the side walls to hold when needed.

15.For strong bones, in addition to eating calcium and vitamin D in milk or vegetables, exercises that put moderate stress on bones (weight-bearing exercises) may help.

16.Food may not provide enough vitamin D, but sunlight creates plenty when it hits our skin. Get a few minutes per week of evening or morning sun to make enough vitamin D. But avoid too much mid-day exposure, which can lead to skin cancer.

17.To help quit smoking, carry decoy cigarettes. They look like real cigarettes but have a bad taste.

18.Using a computer mouse for a long period of time might damage the hand. Make a pulsating mouse that could rejuvenate tense muscles.

19.To treat muscle-tension headaches, massage, hot showers, heating pads, cold packs, aspirin, or acetaminophen may help.

20.To prevent hepatitis E if in unsanitary areas, wash hands after using any washroom, eat only well and freshly cooked foods, drink only bottled or boiled water, and don't eat non-peelable raw fruits or vegetables unless cleaned thoroughly.

21.If your milk flow stops due to a clogged duct during breastfeeding, try holding a warm hard-boiled egg on the site to warm and loosen the clog.

22.Sunburn in childhood increases risk of later skin cancer. Protect children from sunburn using clothing, hats, or sunblock.

23.Leaves of the custard apple plant are an effective cure for head lice. Just make a paste and apply, shampoo after 1 hour, and reapply after 3 days for better results. Added benefit: your hair is soft and conditioned.

24.Use a folded cloth to filter water as a very effective, affordable way for people in poor areas to prevent cholera.

25.Put a few camphor tablets in a cup of water and keep it in the bed room near your bed, or in any place with mosquitoes.

26.Applying pure rose water every night before sleep can greatly help in reducing pimples on the face.

27.A guaranteed and easy way to remove pimples completely is to drink half a bottle of water (room temperature) in the morning as soon as you get up. And don't drink water for 15 minutes after any meal. See amazing results in just 1 month. Abhinav Ralhan


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