Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Red Light Green Light
Red Light Green Light is an outdoor game suitable for children of all ages. You will need quite a bit of space! If you play the game with younger kids, you can use it to reinforce the concept of "red is for stop" and "green is for go".

One player (or an adult) is chosen to be the caller. The caller stands facing away from the other children, who stand behind a starting line drawn up about 30 feet (10 metres) away.

When the caller calls out "green light", the children run forward to try to tag him. They must move as quickly as possible but at any time the caller may call out "red light", at which point all the children must freeze. The caller turns round and if he catches anyone moving - even a tiny bit - they are sent back to the starting line.

The first player to tag the caller becomes caller in the next round.

Red Rover
Divide everyone into two teams. Both teams link arms. The starting team yells, "Red rover, red rover, send (insert name) right over!" The person who was called tries to break through the linked arms of the calling team by running through them.

If he/she cannot break through, he/she joins the opposing team.

If he/she CAN break through, he/she chooses one other person to join him/her on the other team.

The game ends when everyone is on the same team.

Sponge Dodgeball
This simple game is a sure-fire way to cool off on a hot summer day!

All you need are a bunch of sponges and a couple of buckets filled with water. Put the sponges into the buckets so they become soaked. Divide into teams, and throw the sponges at each other. When a team member is hit with a wet sponge, he is out. The last person standing wins!


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