Monday, June 15, 2015

Online DataEntry Scam – What it really?
Have you ever saw a recognized company ISO or CMM Level certified asking for your bank details or paypal account before you start working?

Please be careful when you pay a registration fee of 700 INR or 3000 INR [they usually refer as security fee] for online data entry work, ad posting, form filling or providing bank details to them.

I’m writing this article to help people who are revolving around DataEntry scam. Most of the Indians fall in Online Data Entry Scam. Not only Indians but many people across world. This is not intended to any person, but what to share my experiences on this DataEntry scam.
Everybody wants to make money from home, not just Indians even people from all over the world trying many possible ways to get one legitimate free or real online data entry part-time job to make both ends meet. However, India has a high ratio victims of online data entry scam while compare to other countries. Our friends, cousins and Colleague telling as the online data entry is the one of the trusted ways to earn more money within short period.

Actual misunderstandings:
It is a complete misconception to think that online data entry jobs are easy to grab for supplementing an income without doing any work, putting efforts and experience. Most Indians are susceptible to easy data entry jobs from home. The reason why most of them fall in this web is because of lack experience and research.

There is no big private recognized company which give such small data entry projects aroung $2k-$5K in online. Recollect the procedure, when you go for a job interview the questions or the number of rounds that you face before getting an appointment? Do you really feel you get a huge amount iof $20 (1000 INR) a day without any talent or interviews?

Things that really happen:
Once you pay a sum of 700 INR or 1000 INR or 3000 INR they will send some useless details to your email which will be repeated for multiple people. [Same book for multiple people is this a real project?] Once you done with you work, most of the people will get a response saying that their accuracy is not up to mark and the bid is rejected, try again? Try again? [lost my deposit].
Secondly, they payment will be delayed they say their Quality team is busy to verify and ask to start the next assignment.

This is a multi-level marking strategy, one person pay 3000 and refer for many ex: if this candidate refers for 5 people and son on… for first level the bogus company get 15 K and so on for each person they refer, they pay this amount for new candidates and ask them to refer for more folks.

Few Facts that work behind the screens:
Most of the small companies pay some deposit to get the project (say franchise). They have their own deadlines to submit the project.
The software which are used for this projects are designed to work very energetically initially. As the workload or the amount of data dumps more into the system, the system starts crashing which leads file corruption [rework] and system hung, this makes the companies to miss the deadline and loose the deposit they paid for the project.
Don’t Be A Victim To Online Data Entry Job Scam:
There are so many people in India very ignorant and inexperienced when it comes to online data entry jobs. For instance, we surprised to see at one of the forums yesterday that one member who has paid Rs.750 to a fake website for doing online data entry job, and after waited for a few days, the login credentials was not given to him so instead of contacting job provider he wrote a mail to a forum admin regarding the credentials and data entry jobs. So what you are gonna say about that!


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